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That Crazy Mother Fuckers Up in the Tree Again

Dolemite (1975) Poster


Jerry Jones and Rudy Ray Moore in Dolemite (1975) Rudy Ray Moore in Dolemite (1975) Freddie DeFox, Rudy Ray Moore, and Lady Reed in Dolemite (1975) Brenda DeLong and Rudy Ray Moore in Dolemite (1975) Rudy Ray Moore and Dino Washington in Dolemite (1975) John Kerry and Rudy Ray Moore in Dolemite (1975) Brenda DeLong, Rudy Ray Moore, Terri Mosley, Marilyn Shaw, and Lynell Smith in Dolemite (1975) Brenda DeLong, Rudy Ray Moore, Terri Mosley, and Marilyn Shaw in Dolemite (1975)


  • Dolemite : Ghosts? If you lot ever see a ghost, cut the motherfucker.

  • Dolemite : I'm gonna permit 'em know that Dolemite is dorsum on the scene! I'm gonna allow 'em know that Dolemite is my proper name, and fuckin' up motherfuckers is my game!

  • Dolemite : Y'all no-business concern, born-insecure, jock-jawed motherfucker!

  • Dolemite : [referring to his cheap prison house-issued suit] Yous, guard! I want you lot to have these cheap motherfuckers and wipe your donkey with them!

  • Dolemite : Man, move over and allow me pass 'fore they have be to pullin' these Hush Puppies out your motherfuckin' donkey!

  • Willie Green Henchman (blue suit) : By the manner, who're you waitin' for anyhow?

    Dolemite Girl : I'g waitin' for Dolemite!

    Willie Light-green Henchman (blue adjust) : For who?

    Dolemite : Dolemite, motherfucker, yous heard her.

  • Detective Mitchell : Now, I know you call up yous're smart, see, 'cause you lot got all them flashy clothes, you got that large motorcar at that place, you got all them Black bitches working for yous.

    Dolemite : You forgot about the white ones.

  • Dolemite : Some folks say that Willie Green was the baddest motherfucker the world ever seen. Simply I want y'all to hold onto your seats. And agree onto them tight. 'Cause you now gettin' fix to see the story of me. Yes, me! The badass. Dolemite!

  • Dolemite : [easily Green'southward coiffure a wad of cash] Give that to Willie Green and tell him I want him out of hither in 24 hours... and 23 of 'em are already gone! You sympathize?

  • Dolemite : Damn! Looks like my women is on time.

  • [repeated line]

    Dolemite : Tin you dig it?

  • Dolemite : [after woman easily him a pair of cotton wool boxer shorts] Bowwow, yous bring me these goddamn cotton wool dra--you know I don't wearable no fuckin' cotton draws!

  • Dolemite : Run into me at the Total Experience in i half a hour.

  • Warden : Now, yous're a gambling man, aren't you?

    Dolemite : Depends on the game, Warden, and how high the stakes are.

    Warden : Well, I might equally well level with you lot: The game is rough, and the pale is your life.

  • Dolemite : Is the Fatty Burger joint still in business?

    The Queen Bee : Oh, yeah. That'south where the penny pimps and the nickel and dime hustlers hang out - when they ain't got no coin and tricks be kinda deadening.

  • Dolemite : Manner downwards in the jungle deep, the panthera leo stepped on the signified monkey's feet. The monkey said, "Motherfucker, can't you see? You're standing on my goddamn feet?" The monkey lived in a jungle in an erstwhile oak tree, bullshittin' a king of beasts every day of the week.

  • [get-go lines]

    Prison Guard : Okay, Dolemite, the warden wants to meet you.

    Dolemite : Oh, shit. What the hell does that rat-soup-eatin' motherfucker want with me?

  • Dolemite : Overnice to have seen you people - but fuck you, man.

  • Dolemite : Mmm, mmm, mmm. Yes baby you tin can go behind me and in front of me, too.

  • Dolemite : Another frame up, hmm.

    Detective Mitchell : That's right.

  • Dolemite : Man, who done it? Who washed it? Who killed Jimmy?

    Creeper : Lighten up, bro, I'll tell ya, I'll tell ya. Man, wait a infinitesimal, man. Damn. It had to practice with business concern stuff over at the schoolhouse, man, and uh, he wanted out, man, and uh, they wouldn't let him. He went to the police, you know. It didn't practise no practiced. One day, he was on his way to the pad. Lowriders passed by, man, and blow him up. You know, I'm comin' outta the pawn shop. You know, I seen it all. I was comm' out the pawn shop, man. That's what happened. That's the truth man.

  • Dolemite : What do you know about little Jimmy? Do you know who killed Jimmy, man? Who killed trivial Jimmy? Do you lot know, man?

  • Dolemite : It'southward nice to have seen you people. But, fuck y'all human!

  • Dolemite : What am I to practice man? Lay up here and allow 'em take a crack shot at my black ass?

  • Dolemite : Well, I'll be damned. Y'all know, I thought you was just some other one of them jive ass rooty tooty cops.

  • Dolemite : Goddamn, Mama, you must be new on my scene.

    Chi : I am.

    Dolemite : What's your proper name?

    Chi : Information technology's Chi, short for Chicago.

    Dolemite : I hope you ain't as cold as the windy city, because the manner I feel now baby, I could sure warm you up.

  • Dolemite : I guess they bailed me out and so they could accept a crack shot at my ass.

    Pinky : You know, you lot're such a bitch. You don't even trust your own mother.

    Dolemite : Since you wanted my honey, I'thousand gonna give you a fuckin' you'll never forget!

  • Dolemite : Girls, come hither. Come here, girls. I've been wantin' see me a honky dance. Dance, motherfucker, trip the light fantastic toe! Trip the light fantastic toe! Dance! Girls, this motherfucker's got rhythm, hasn't he?

  • Dolemite : One beautiful 24-hour interval in the merry month of May, Great Titanic, sailed away. The helm and the lieutenant was havin' a few words, when the great Titanic hit that mighty iceberg. Smoothen was in the boiler room eatin' some peas, black-eyed peas, it was. And the water came damn virtually to his knees. Before Shine could take a seize with teeth of bread, that h2o come darn nearly up to his head. Smoothen run upwardly on the deck, said, "Helm, Helm, Captain, that water's damn virtually upward to my neck." Captain said, "Shine, get back, pack the sacks. Nosotros gotta enough sacks, to keep this water back., You standin' upwardly here, steady bullshittin' and drinkin', just tin't you come across this raggedy hunk-a-junk is slowly sinkin'?" I said, "Cap, I'll be in New York unpackin' my body when the news reach the globe, this junk done sunk." The captain said, "Shine, go back and fear no doubt, 'fore I take this two-past-4 and whack your black ass out." Shine said, "Captain", this shit y'all talkin' mighta once been true, but this is one time your motherfuckin' talk ain't gonna practice." Smooth simply run and jumped upward in the ocean, with his black ass doin' a back bicycle in motility. I said, "Cap, all these rich broads run and jumped upward on the peak. One broad hollered, 'Shine, cease!' All this good stuff to yous I'll give if you make information technology possible for me to live." Shine said, "Bitch, I like your shape and I like your plan, simply you lot shoulda been offering me your stuff when we was on dry land. If I was in Mississippi and asked you for a piece of trim, yous woulda had my black ass hangin' from the highest limb."

  • Dolemite : Hither come another broad out hollerin'. Hollerin', "Shine, Shine, Shine. I'm the captain's wife. Why won't you help me to salve my life? I've been through the cotton fields and I waded through the mills. And, honey, I'grand a soul sista, baby and we from the same blood." "Y'all can talk then sweet and you can sing so fine, merely you shouldn't of brought your high yellow ass across that darn color line. But I'k the one y'all call the banality room flunkie, now proceed your ass on this ship and drown with these honkys!"

  • Blakeley : I'thousand only trying to be helpful.

    Dolemite : Oh, it'south your kinda niggas that helped me to get in here.


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